The Students of Business Administration and Economics at Reichman University

About Macroeconomics and Leadership
It was simply elevating to give my first lecture in Introduction to Macroeconomics, in a full auditorium, with an audience of 70 students!! After we were moved to zoom due to Omicron and I have not seen my students since late December, it was simply a joy to be in class again in the #businessadministration and #economics double major BA degree at the international school at Reichman University (IDC Herzliya).
The topic of my class was the history of the development of macroeconomics, from the Great Depression until today, where the main characters discussed in my lecture were US presidents Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, The economist John Maynard Keynes who is the “father of macroeconomics” who articulated the courageous decision and actions of Franklin Delano Roosevelt into a detailed economic theory that has served the world in two future crisis, that of 2008 and Covid-19 crisis.
I have also presented the connection between the Great Depression and the rise of Hitler and the Nazi regime, and the second world war. My student have learned the importance of government intervention at time of recessions and depressions. It is very clear that I will shortly need to add to the story the impact of the Russian-Ukraine war which is a huge human crisis, which starts and will have global economic implication.
I have started my lecture with explaining to my students that the management of economic crisis is a story of leadership. I have ended my lecture with explaining to my students who I know will all take leadership position in the future if they wish to (most of grads of business and economics end up in leadership positions in the private and public sectors), and as such they should take responsibility in their own decisions when they will be leaders.
After the class we gathered for informal chat, and took this lovely pictures. I am proud to present to you a generation of young future leaders!
In the picture:
Jareth Jawno Yoel Altman, Ariel Hoffman, David Kresch, Bracha, , Maya Zadik Zvi Fragmlich El-ly Namatinia
Yael Hadass
#leadership #management #future
#economics #macroeconomics #students #college #university